Climate Dynamics at Berkeley
Climate Dynamics at Berkeley
Data & Tools
William R. Boos
Automated Operational Forecasting of Monsoon Low Pressure Systems
Sensitivity of tropical orographic precipitation to wind speed with implications for future projections
Evaluating ensemble predictions of South Asian monsoon low pressure system genesis
Meteorological Drivers of North American Monsoon Extreme Precipitation Events
Elevation-dependent warming: observations, models, and energetic mechanisms
Identifying Atmospheric Rivers and their Poleward Latent Heat Transport with Generalizable Neural Networks: ARCNNv1
Forecasting Tropical Annual Maximum Wet-Bulb Temperatures Months in Advance from the Current State of El Niño
Understanding the spatio-temporal variability of tropical orographic rainfall using convective plume buoyancy
Historical and future trends in South Asian monsoon low pressure systems in a high-resolution model ensemble
Emergence of the modern global monsoon from the Pangaea megamonsoon set by palaeogeography
Observed increase in the peak rain rates of monsoon depressions
Continental configuration controls the base-state water vapor greenhouse effect: lessons from half-land, half-water planets
Reduced terrestrial evaporation increases atmospheric water vapor by generating cloud feedbacks
Opposite Changes in Monsoon Precipitation and Low Pressure System Frequency in Response to Orographic Forcing
Influence of monsoon low pressure systems on South Asian disasters and implications for disaster prediction
An upper bound for extreme temperatures over midlatitude land
Regional tropical rainfall shifts under global warming: an energetic perspective
Continental drift shifts tropical rainfall by altering radiation and ocean heat transport
Mechanisms and impacts of Earth system tipping elements
Monsoon depression amplification by horizontal shear and humidity gradients: a shallow water perspective
Downwind control of oceanic air by land: the land wake and its sensitivity to CO2
A theory for the response of tropical moist convection to mechanical orographic forcing
The unexpected oceanic peak in energy input to the atmosphere and its consequences for monsoon rainfall
Exploratory precipitation metrics: spatiotemporal characteristics, process-oriented, and phenomena-based
Mechanical forcing of the North American monsoon by orography
Upper-tropospheric troughs and North American monsoon rainfall in a long-term track dataset
Radiative feedbacks on land surface change and associated tropical precipitation shifts
Explaining globally inhomogeneous future changes in monsoons using simple moist energy diagnostics
The influence of surface heat fluxes on the growth of idealized monsoon depressions
The globally coherent pattern of autumn monsoon precipitation
Evolution of idealized vortices in monsoon-like shears: application to monsoon depressions
Response of extreme precipitation to uniform surface warming in quasi-global aquaplanet simulations at high resolution
Influence of intraseasonal variability on the development of monsoon depressions
Assessing historical variability of South Asian monsoon lows and depressions with an optimized tracking algorithm
Feedbacks and Eddy Diffusivity in an Energy Balance Model of Tropical Rainfall Shifts
Quasigeostrophic controls on precipitating ascent in monsoon depressions
Monsoon depression amplification by moist barotropic instability in a vertically sheared environment
Aquaplanet models on eccentric orbits: effects of the rotation rate on observables
Understanding the vertical structure of potential vorticity in tropical depressions
Using atmospheric energy transport to quantitatively constrain South Pacific Convergence Zone shifts during ENSO
Barotropic growth of monsoon depressions
Sensitivity of subtropical stationary circulations to global warming in climate models: a baroclinic Rossby gyre theory
Global energetics and local physics as drivers of past, present and future monsoons
Role of surface enthalpy fluxes in idealized simulations of tropical depression spinup
Tropical cyclogenesis in warm climates simulated by a cloud-system resolving model
Decline and poleward shift in Indian summer monsoon synoptic activity in a warming climate
Volcanic suppression of Nile summer flooding triggers revolt and constrains interstate conflict in ancient Egypt
The physics of orographic elevated heating in radiative-convective equilibrium
Weakening of the North American monsoon with global warming
Weakening and shifting of the Saharan shallow meridional circulation during wet years of the West African monsoon
Identifying climate drivers of infectious disease dynamics: recent advances and challenges ahead
Origins of moist air in global Lagrangian simulations of the Madden–Julian Oscillation
Global association of the Madden-Julian Oscillation with monsoon lows and depressions
The drying tendency of shallow meridional circulations in monsoons
Competing effects of surface albedo and orographic elevated heating on regional climate
Land surface albedo bias in climate models and its association with tropical rainfall
Potential vorticity structure and propagation mechanism of Indian monsoon depressions
The influence of orographic Rossby and gravity waves on rainfall
A mechanism for the response of the zonally asymmetric subtropical hydrologic cycle to global warming
Improving energy-based estimates of monsoon location in the presence of proximal deserts
Reply to Levermann et al.: Linear scaling for monsoons based on well-verified balance between adiabatic cooling and latent heat release
Near-linear response of mean monsoon strength to a broad range of radiative forcings
A genesis index for monsoon disturbances
Convective self-aggregation and tropical cyclogenesis under the hypohydrostatic rescaling
Modulation of subtropical stratospheric gravity waves by equatorial rainfall
Perspectives on moist baroclinic instability: implications for the growth of monsoon depressions
Regional energy budget control of the intertropical convergence zone and application to mid-Holocene rainfall
The effect of midlatitude transient eddies on monsoonal southerlies over eastern China
Regime transitions of cross-equatorial Hadley circulations with zonally asymmetric thermal forcings
A review of recent progress on Tibet’s role in the South Asian monsoon
Adiabatic westward drift of Indian monsoon depressions
A global climatology of monsoon low-pressure systems
Cirrus cloud seeding: A climate engineering mechanism with reduced side effects?
Effects of orography and surface heat fluxes on the South Asian summer monsoon
Has the number of Indian summer monsoon depressions decreased over the last 30 years?
Interannual variability of monsoon precipitation and local subcloud equivalent potential temperature
Sensitivity of the South Asian monsoon to elevated and non-elevated heating.
The effect of moist convection on the tropospheric response to tropical and subtropical zonally asymmetric torques
Thermodynamic bias in the multimodel mean boreal summer monsoon
The Tropospheric Response to Tropical and Subtropical Zonally Asymmetric Torques: Analytical and Idealized Numerical Model Results
Thermodynamic scaling of the hydrological cycle of the last glacial maximum
Excitation of Intraseasonal Variability in the Equatorial Atmosphere by Yanai Wave Groups via WISHE-Induced Convection
Cold winters from warm oceans
Observational evaluation of a convective quasi-equilibrium view of monsoons
Orographic Controls on Climate and Paleoclimate of Asia: Thermal and Mechanical Roles for the Tibetan Plateau
Dominant control of the South Asian monsoon by orographic insulation versus plateau heating.
Mechanisms of Poleward Propagating, Intraseasonal Convective Anomalies in Cloud System–Resolving Models
Annual intensification of the Somali jet in a quasi-equilibrium framework: Observational composites
Wind-evaporation feedback and the axisymmetric transition to angular momentum-conserving Hadley flow
Wind-evaporation feedback and abrupt seasonal transitions of weak, axisymmetric Hadley circulations
Transient Diapycnal Mixing and the Meridional Overturning Circulation